Sunday 25 September 2011

me n computer science???

dis is my first year takin dis subject f0r examinati0n..
4 me dis subject n0t 2 easy n n0t s0 hard at all..
takin dis subject let me kn0w better h0w 2 create n manage my 0wn website n bl0g.
I d0n't even kn0w h0w 2 create a website b4..but when takin dis subject, it let me kn0w better ab0ut the entire things 0f internet stuff..huhu..

dis subject n0t 0nly teach me ab0ut internet stuff 0r s0methin dat c0nnect 2 it, but dis subject als0 let me ab0ut da c0mpenent 0f c0mputer..
we learn ab0ut m0therb0ard, mainframe..ab0ut da server n da client..
and many m0re ab0ut dis things..
s0..4 da c0nclusi0n, c0mputer science is such an interestin subject 2 learn n study..
its a relax n simple subject..n0t 2 c0mplicated such as bi0l0gy n chemistry..
end 0f all..l0ng life

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